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[Phpgroupware-developers] Re: another sitemgr bug :(

From: totschnig . michael
Subject: [Phpgroupware-developers] Re: another sitemgr bug :(
Date: Fri, 31 Jan 2003 11:51:23 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.090007 (Oort Gnus v0.07) XEmacs/21.4 (Economic Science, i686-pc-linux)

I think, this is my responsability since I slightly changed the
function sitemgr_link, and I am afraid, I did not think about the
relocate hack. 
I do not understand how relocate works, but there is already something
strange in the URLs generated.
Just to make sure:
Dave, is the site configured with cookies or not? I do not understand
why you have empty session_id, kp3 and domain GET variables?
Patrick, is relocate supposed to work without cookies?


"Patrick Walsh (mr_e)" <address@hidden> a écrit:

>      This problem was fixed a long time ago.  The offending file, unless I'm
> mistaken, is relocate.php.  To track this bug down, add some debug print
> statements around these lines:
> $pos = strpos($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['REQUEST_URI'],'?');
> if ($pos === false)
> ..Patrick
> On 1/31/03 6:29 AM, "Dave Hall" <address@hidden> wrote:
>> Heyaz,
>> I have found another bug with sitemgr while working on rebuilding
>>, this was a bug in an old version of sitemgr, which was
>> fixed by mr_e.
>> When using the right side navbar(site index) it is creating urls like so:
>> The page loads fine when removing the /?sessionid=&kp3=&domain=default
>> from the end of the url.
>> Any ideas?  I am tired, so heading off to bed without looking at the
>> code, yes lazy i know, sorry.

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