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Re: cleanup patch / design rules

From: Ingo Ruhnke
Subject: Re: cleanup patch / design rules
Date: 24 Aug 2002 15:01:20 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2

David Philippi <address@hidden> writes:
> Without looking into the code - isn't it possible to create actions
> only with a Pingu pointer? What sense do those objects have unless
> they're coupled with a Pingu?

The reason for this is that the action are allocated outsite of the
Pingu class at a point where they do not belong to a Pingu. Its not
really a perfect way currently, but we should probally let it stay
that way, at least till the 0.5 release is out.
> This means that everything called from World? down may use
> game_speed instead of delta, but the other classes have different
> delta's with the same name?

Yep, the game engine runs at a fixed 'tick' rate (game_speed),
Everything outsite the game engine can variably adopt any rate and
as such needs a delta. 
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