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Re: Some Fallers can survive [was: Fallers slown down]

From: Ingo Ruhnke
Subject: Re: Some Fallers can survive [was: Fallers slown down]
Date: 26 Mar 2003 14:03:17 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2

Gervase Lam <address@hidden> writes:

> (1) In test/faller.xml, should the 1st and 2nd Pingus on the left hand 
> side platform die?  I assume so as the drop from where the Pingus exit to 
> the platform is more than 200 pixels, the maximum fall height.

The two Pingus on the left of the danger-sign should survive, the
Pingus on the right or below the danger-sign should die. From left to
right the entrances go one pixel-up for each entrance.
> (2) What was the original purpose of the following in faller.cxx?
>   // FIXME: This should be triggered at a later point, when close to
>   // FIXME: deadly_velocity or something like that. A translation
>   // FIXME: animation for the floater might also help
>   if (pingu->get_velocity().y > 5.0 && pingu->request_fall_action())
>     return;

The idea behind that is that the Pingus don't turn into the floater
action immediatly, but only after a specific grace-period, there was
also the idea to have the floaters slow down smoothly, instead of
hard-breaking to a constant speed. But to make it short, I doubt that
this will really work out and trying it will most likly break all
sorts of things, so don't try that at the moment and simply leave it
as it is.

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