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Re: [RP] crude patch to pass windowids from cmd_exec

From: shawn
Subject: Re: [RP] crude patch to pass windowids from cmd_exec
Date: Wed Sep 5 11:09:04 2001

>> One way could be to parse the output of 'ratpoison -c windows' which
>> will spit a list of the windows. a * after the number indicates the
>Ah, the debian (unstable) one is almost a month old and doesn't have
>that (or rather, it doesn't emit to stdout.)  Will nag :-)

Yes, we're gearing up for a release, so there's no sense in updating
the deb package until then.

>However,  get_window_list doesn't reference w->w at all, so that
>doesn't do me any good (names are ambiguous, and the "window number"
>is not meaningful outside of ratpoison - I need the X WindowID

Ahh, now I understand what you're looking for.

>Would you find setting WINDOWID in the environment to be a at least a
>little cleaner?  Various programs will use it if set, entirely because
>xterm itself sets it... that's why xwit is so useful in a non-mousing
>environment, you can do things like "xwit rmove 10 10" and move the
>xterm you typed it in by that much.  (The reason to get this info from
>ratpoison is that not all windows are xterms :-)

yes. Hmmm, let me think about it. I like the idea, but there's still
that nagging little voice saying, "hack, hack!".

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