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Re: [RP] Patch to stop shells from being left around

From: Mike Meyer
Subject: Re: [RP] Patch to stop shells from being left around
Date: Wed Oct 10 06:58:06 2001

Doug Kearns <address@hidden> types:
> >I tried
> >writing it as a shell command - then a script - and kept getting bit
> >by backtick parsing not recognizing quotes :-(. So I gave up and wrote
> >it in Python. Apologies to anyone who uses it and has to change the
> >paths.
> >
> Well, here's the little hack that I've been using for a while.
> It's probably even less portable than a python script, and a _whole_ lot 
> uglier :)
> It does, however, use the current value of defwinfmt for the ratmenu labels.

That's actually a nice thing to do. The eval is the trick I missed,
though the use of <(...) is a good trick. I think you could simplify
it by making the second invocation of rp like so:
        <( ratpoison -c "windows ratpoison -c 'select %n'" )

Hmm - one possible problem - what happens if a window vanishes between

> Now, if I only I could find the time to patch ratmenu so that we can 
> escape ':' characters in the label.

Yup, that was part of the problem.


P.S. Thunder, lightening and 2cm hail here. Thank the gods for UPS's
as the light just moved from inside to outside for a second.

Mike Meyer <address@hidden>                     http://www.mired.org/home/mwm/
Q: How do you make the gods laugh?              A: Tell them your plans.

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