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Re: [RP] Patch to stop shells from being left around

From: Doug Kearns
Subject: Re: [RP] Patch to stop shells from being left around
Date: Wed Oct 10 21:40:06 2001
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.4) Gecko/20010917

Jonathan Walther wrote:

If thats part of the problem, I can fix it.

That would be nice.
':' is an extremely common character in window titles and I'm yet to find a satisfactory substitute character when replacing it. Who would have thought that a unique character was, well, unique.

What do you guys think of having a syntax for ratmenu of
"menuitem" "command" "menuitem" "command" to replace
"menuitem":"command" "menuitem":"command"?  This would make it work just
like dialog.

Well that's what I'd like, but I don't use 9menu and I'm not sure if compatibility with it is important for other ratmenu users or not. Other than that, I can't see any advantage to keeping the delimiter character.


Here's the example shell script again with Mike's suggestion included.


# NOTE: need to replace ratmenu delimiter : with # in label names

RATMENU="ratmenu -style dreary -bg black -fg yellow"

eval "$RATMENU $( paste -d: <( ratpoison -c windows | tr ':' "#" | sed 's/"/\\"/g' ) \ <( ratpoison -c "windows ratpoison -c 'select %n'" ) \
                           | sed "s/^\(.*\)$/\"\1\"/" \
                           | tr '\n' ' ' )"


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