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Re: [RP] Second keypress falls through

From: shawn
Subject: Re: [RP] Second keypress falls through
Date: Sat Oct 20 14:55:10 2001
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.0.105

Jesper Holmberg <address@hidden> writes:

> Hi All,
> Here's a thing which bugs me when using rp: When the system is under
> heavy load, and I try to change window, the second key press (after
> Ctrl-t) falls through, into the current window, and rp never picks it
> up.
> So suppose I'm running something which is requiring a lot of effort from
> the system, and at the same time editing a file in Emacs. Suppose I want
> to switch to window #0. So I press rapidly "\C-t 0". The effect of this
> is that I put a "0" in the file I'm editing, while rp, a few seconds
> later, is showing the square cursor, waiting for my orders. This is
> quite irritating. Is anyone else experiencing this?

Yes, this a product of how rp does the prefix maps. I haven't been
able to think of a way to eliminate this problem. There's always a
race condition...

It hasn't been a show stopper, so I haven't dedicated too much effort
to eliminating it...I just wait for the rat cursor to change shape and
then issue my command. That sucks, though.

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