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Re: [RP] mouse stuff (you guys are gonna kill me for this one)

From: John Meacham
Subject: Re: [RP] mouse stuff (you guys are gonna kill me for this one)
Date: Mon Sep 22 13:29:12 2003
User-agent: Mutt/1.4.1i

On Mon, Sep 22, 2003 at 11:07:31AM -0400, fist_187 wrote:
> say i'm surfing around with mozilla, so i have one hand on the mouse and 
> the other on my keyboard.  for whatever reason, i want to change 
> frames... so what if i could just hit [C-t] and then left-mouse-click on 
> the frame i wanted to make current?  that would save me a step or 2.
> you could do a lot of things with [C-t]+mouse-button combinations that 
> make good navigational sense.  for example:
> [C-t]+leftmouse - select frame below cursor
> [C-t]+rightmouse - same as "[C-t]:select -" on frame below cursor
> [C-t]+middlemouse - same as "[C-t]:other" on frame below cursor
> [C-t]+mwheelup - same as "[C-t]:prev" on frame below cursor
> [C-t]+mwheeldown - same as "[C-t]:next" on frame below cursor
> you get the idea.  yes, ratpoision eliminates the dependence on the 
> mouse... but that doesnt mean a mouse is useless.  basically, i want the 
> "freedom to leave my hands where they are" option that ratpoison gives 
> to the keyboard... except applied to the mouse as well.

I have a much less ambitious request for mouse functionality. namely, I
would like mouse clicks to cancel command mode. this is simply to reduce
mouse-keyboard switchovers. every now and again I grudgingly use the
mouse and realize I had an extra ctrl-t in there and have to move back
to the keyboard to cancel it before going back to the mouse.

Although, If we were to use the mouse for something real, I would hope it
would be something less mundane than just selecting windows. I am
thinking of things like the keykit music program for plan 9, where you
could pick up many windows with the mouse drag out a new space and have
all the windows tiled optimally in that new space...

John Meacham - California Institute of Technology, Alum. - address@hidden

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