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Re: [RP] OT: Music player that doesn't suck?

From: Florian Cramer
Subject: Re: [RP] OT: Music player that doesn't suck?
Date: Fri Oct 24 01:34:12 2003
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.4i

Am Samstag, 18. Oktober 2003 um 21:40:32 Uhr (+0200) schrieb Björn Lindström:
> Currently I'm using (http://www.nanoo.org/~daniel/moosic/), which is a
> daemon/client solution. That's nice, since you can manage it from your
> shell of choice, and it doesn't stop playing just because X crashes.

If that is your concern, I recommend playing music with mplayer inside a
GNU screen session. mplayer is the only console player I know which
supports practically all audio formats/codecs on earth and provides
interactive fast forward/backward control.  I guess it is the media
player of choice for the ratpoison crowd anyway.

I find playlist features and the like, which mplayer does not provide,
just as redundant as window manager decorations, docks etc. given that
their functionality can be better implemented the Unix way, using the
filesystem (via symlinks) or shell scripting.


GnuPG/PGP public key ID 3200C7BA, finger address@hidden

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