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Re: [RP] ANSI escape sequences

From: Florian Cramer
Subject: Re: [RP] ANSI escape sequences
Date: Sun Nov 23 15:28:02 2003
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.4i

Am Sonntag, 23. November 2003 um 13:28:08 Uhr (-0800) schrieb Shawn Betts:
> I'm intrigued, though. I like the part where it cleans up the bar
> code. That's a good thing. But I'm having trouble finding use cases
> where ansi colors are really needed. Can you supply some more
> convincing ones?
> What do other people think about this patch?

The imminent danger is that the rp bar is gradually becoming an
xterm. The radical alternative would be to rip it out entirely (or
allow not to compile it in) and delegate its function to external
commandline/terminal control...


GnuPG/PGP public key ID 3200C7BA, finger address@hidden

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