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Re: [RP] ... --solved (with my workspace scripts) -Phuk!

From: Brian May
Subject: Re: [RP] ... --solved (with my workspace scripts) -Phuk!
Date: Thu, 03 Jan 2008 10:37:15 +1100
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.1 (gnu/linux)

>>>>> "TBlittlefoot" == TBlittlefoot  <address@hidden> writes:

    TBlittlefoot> What a piece of shit operating system. Don't know OS
    TBlittlefoot> X or Cygwin or Fink at all, but you've given me
    TBlittlefoot> enough information to allow me to forego wasting any
    TBlittlefoot> time with them.

My experience with Mac OS X is it is similar to Microsoft Windows,
except it has had OpenGL support in the desktop longer (is this a good
thing?), the menu appears at the top of the screen not the top of the
window (I dislike this), and windows can only be resized at the bottom
right corner (to the best of my knowledge).

cygwin has an X server, that is full screen only (to the best of my
knowledge), so presumably you can run ratpoison within that if you
really want to.

There is also Xming <http://www.straightrunning.com/XmingNotes/> which
allows mixing X-Windows with MS-Windows.

Nothing beats Linux+Xorg+ratpoison IMHO, but at least options are
there if you have to use Microsoft Windows or Mac OS X.

To be fair, there is a advantage to the Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X
approach - a standard window manager on all computers that doesn't
confuse the hell out of the system administrator when asked to debug
an unrelated problem over the phone of a desktop computer run by a
user who doesn't know what they are doing.
Brian May <address@hidden>

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