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Re: [Savannah-hackers] CVS eMail notifications

From: Sylvain Beucler
Subject: Re: [Savannah-hackers] CVS eMail notifications
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2004 21:15:52 +0200

Mark-Andre Hopf wrote:
Hmm, a month has passed and the latest CVS bug was related to CVSROOT

Wouldn't it be easier and faster just to add a field with an address
where eMail should be posted to?

As far as I know, since each repository is in a chroot'd environment, sending e-mail is more difficult and does not work out of the box.

Some work was done to support log_accum. However, we did not had feedback, so we will ask again whether log_accum support is completed and usable.

I saw an add asking people to become GNU members. Would becoming a GNU member also help to sponsor GNU Savannah?

Savannah is a FSF service, currently installed on a FSF machine, and 2 FSF system administrators work on it at partial time. So any donation or membership that helps the FSF also helps Savannah indirectly.


How are Savannah and GNA (the Savannah service hosted by FSF Europe)
related? Friend or enemy?

Gna! is sponsored by FSF France, that is not part of FSF Europe anymore (first sensitive topic). Gna! is ran by former Savannah hackers after disrespect from the FSF, to keep it short (second sensitive topic).

That being said, projects approval policies are compatible, both team know each other, we are friends, and independant. Also, people from each team work on the Savane software. We sometimes recommend Gna! to people on this list.

Gna! asked to be mentioned at, and waits for an official decision from the FSF Board of Directors.


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