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Re: [Swftools-common] Sizing problems with borders in swfbbox, a patch t

From: Matthias Kramm
Subject: Re: [Swftools-common] Sizing problems with borders in swfbbox, a patch to set a strict size
Date: Sun, 6 Jul 2008 16:58:46 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.13 (2006-08-11)

On Sun, Jul 06, 2008 at 03:21:40PM +0200, edA-qa mort-ora-y <address@hidden> 
> Attached, help_3 is one where the original size is completely off, and
> help_2 is a more normal one.  In both cases a slight padding remains
> even after bounds optimization.

Ok- I looked at this. Indeed, Corel seems to add an extra padding
of around 12px to objects:

$ swfdump -bs help_3.swf
[016]        56 DEFINESHAPE2 defines id 0001
                 bbox [-12.00, -12.05, 479.75, 479.80]
                 | fillstyles(01)        linestyles(00)
                 | 1 ) GRADIENT (2 steps)
                 | fill: 00/01 line:00 - moveTo 467.75 0.00
                 | fill: 00/01 line:00 - lineTo 467.75 467.75
                 | fill: 00/01 line:00 - lineTo 0.00 467.75
                 | fill: 00/01 line:00 - lineTo 0.00 0.00
                 | fill: 00/01 line:00 - lineTo 467.75 0.00

This bounding box should be 0,0 - 467.75,467.75 according
to the vectors in the shape.

However, -O corrects this for me, and does *not* add the same padding
that Corel does, like you claimed (am I missing something here?):

$ swfbbox -O help_3.swf -o help_3.swf
$ swfbbox -bs help_3.swf 

[016]        56 DEFINESHAPE2 defines id 0001
                 bbox [0.00, 0.00, 467.75, 467.75]

Also, the recalculated header bounding box seems to be correct 
$ swfbbox -B help_3.swf 
Real Movie Size (size of visible objects): 467.75 x 467.75 :0.00 :0.00
Movie Size accordings to file header: 667.85 x 467.80 :0.00 :0.00



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