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[Texmacs-dev] Small misalign on table export (and some other remarks). (

From: Joris van der Hoeven
Subject: [Texmacs-dev] Small misalign on table export (and some other remarks). (fwd)
Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 11:59:01 +0200 (MET DST)

Thanks for the feedback Alvaro.
It may be best to post messages of this kind to texmacs-dev.
At the moment I do not have time for a detailed reply;
I will do that later.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 28 May 2002 01:03:15 +0200
From: Álvaro Tejero Cantero <address@hidden>
To: Joris van der Hoeven <address@hidden>
Subject: Small misalign on table export (and some other remarks).

Hi Joris,

Attached I send a file where centered tabular headings get exported to
LaTeX as left-aligned ones.

I hope this helps. Would have submitted this to address@hidden if it
weren't by the fact that I have dumped more than I expected in the

Now that I am using more and more TeXmacs...  hey I damn like it!. I
will fiercely defend that 'you must use texmacs, if anything, for the
pleasure of writing beautifully'. This reminds me of the stylographic
vs. screechy ballpoint argument :).

Structured editing
I don't know if you have received any feedback on the new
environment-boxing feature, but there go my 0.02eur: it's not very
obstrusive and sometimes it's very useful. I think we should definitely
go that way in providing visual clues for structure. It helps a lot in
avoiding extra, unwanted space... (what about not allowing one to enter
empty space or empty lines with spacebar and return, but with
alt-spacebar and alt-enter, or something more difficult? I remember you
agreed this could foster structured edition).
Regarding the boxing feature... will the color of the box be
customizable?. Now that I think of it... color could be used like in
math/normal mode, to convey structure as well.

We convinced (Pablo and I) the freek project (=free Knowledge) to
support the TeXmacs format. They were going to support only DocBook, but
now they'll include TeXmacs for their second iteration. One of the guys
wanted to convince you of the benefits of the XML format. There's a
rather long and detailed reflection on why that's good at
xml.openoffice.org. There are also some ideas worth of TeXmacs in their
style handling (such as the choice for next-environment-on-enter...).

One small typographical glitch to add to the --- issue: I do not get
\ldots for three dots. It would be nice to bind Alt-. to that or
something (if I didn't miss it, of course).

keep up the good work!

ps. lyx1.2.0 is going to come out one day or another; we should be able
to draw away from it as much attention in the forums as they managed to
do with TeXmacs ;).

alqua.com, la red en estudio
"La perfection est atteinte non quand il ne reste rien à
ajouter, mais quand il ne reste rien à enlever"




  <subsection|Descenso gradiental de paso fijo>

  Tomando un paso de <verbatim|0.001> y una tolerancia en el espacio de
  funciones de <verbatim|0.001> obtenemos<\float|float|tbh>
    halign|c>|<cwith|1|1|2|2|cell halign|c>|<cwith|1|1|3|3|cell
    halign|c>|<cwith|1|1|4|4|cell halign|c>|<cwith|2|4|2|5|cell
    batim|0.1837> >|<cell|<verbatim|17.3>>>|<row|<cell|<with|mode|math|><with\
    >|<cell|<verbatim|47.5><verbatim|>>>>>>|<label|t:paso fijo>Valores
    estimados de los parámetros y del estadístico
    <with|mode|math|\<chi\><rsup|2>> para los diferentes modelos usando
    descenso gradiental a paso fijo. El punto inicial es
    <with|mode|math|(A,M,\<Gamma\>)=(5,5,5)> en todos los casos.>
  </float> los datos que se muestran en la tabla <reference|t:paso fijo>. Se
  han tomado cinco cifras significativas atendiendo al tamaño del paso y a
  las diferencias típicas entre valores alcanzados por el método tomando
  diferentes puntos iniciales.

  Hemos tomado como indicador de convergencia el valor absoluto de la
  diferencia de valor de la función entre dos iteraciones sucesivas porque al
  ser el paso de tamaño fijo la distancia entre los puntos en el dominio de
  la función es aproximadamente la misma iteración tras iteración.


    <associate|paragraph width|150mm>
    <associate|odd page margin|30mm>
    <associate|page right margin|30mm>
    <associate|page top margin|30mm>
    <associate|reduction page right margin|25mm>
    <associate|page type|a4>
    <associate|reduction page bottom margin|15mm>
    <associate|even page margin|30mm>
    <associate|reduction page left margin|25mm>
    <associate|page bottom margin|30mm>
    <associate|reduction page top margin|15mm>

    <associate|t:paso fijo|<tuple|1|?>>

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