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Re: [bug #4658] Broken gpbs when doing pb operations between GS and X

From: Stefan Urbanek
Subject: Re: [bug #4658] Broken gpbs when doing pb operations between GS and X
Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2003 23:50:27 +0200


Thanks you all. It seems to work well here. I have tried with nedit, mozilla 
and openoffice. No problems with latin-2 characters, only first paste from X to 
GNUstep was like pasting latin-1 characters.

GNUstep seems to be consistent with X apps in using both kinds of selections.

For other stuff I can confirm what Pete said. Including not-woring cut&paste of 
larger texts.

Anyway, good work.


On 2003-08-18 13:15:41 +0200 Pete French <pete@twisted.org.uk> wrote:

thank you for this test. Could you please also test the latest CVS version and 
report on this?

Just tried this usingmy standard tests. It seems to work fine - I can cut
and paste text in full Unicode between Mozilla and GNUstep apps happily,
and the charcaters are the same on the round trip which is good. I can
cut or copy text in GNUstep and paste using the middle mouse bbutton
in X11 as well.

Large cut and pastes still do nothing - e.g. cut the whole of the UTF8 sample 
page at - http://www.columbia.edu/kermit/utf8.html and try
and paste it into a GNUstep app does not work, though cutting and
pasting chunks of it does. This is the standarsd page I use for
testing cut and paste BTW.

gpbs has not crashed on me yet this morning either - though I havent worked
with it much as yet. I still have the problem of needing to do a cut and
paste inside GNUstep before it will co-operate with the rest of X11 though.

In general it look very good though - nice work, and well worth the minor
arguments on the list :-)


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