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bug#44112: SBCL is not reproducible

From: Guillaume Le Vaillant
Subject: bug#44112: SBCL is not reproducible
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2020 14:41:48 +0200
User-agent: mu4e 1.4.13; emacs 27.1

zimoun <zimon.toutoune@gmail.com> skribis:

> Using Guix 58af4c9, the package ’sbcl’ seems not-reproducible.
> [...]
> I do not know if the patches in ’staging’ will fix this.
> Note that this issue does not imply that the build system
> ’asdf-build-system/sbcl’ is or will be not reproducible.  However, this
> issues cuts any Diverse Double Compiling attempt.

IIRC, when compiling, SBCL puts the timestamp of the source file in the
compiled file. It's not a problem when just doing basic compilation
because the source files' timestamps have been set to "1970-01-01".

However, some packages generate some source files at build time, usually
containing things like data type sizes fetched from system header in
order to use C libraries with FFI. The timestamp of a generated file
is the current time, therefore the build is not reproducible.

IIRC, SBCL itself is built in 2 stages. First its core is compiled
using another Common Lisp implementation (currently clisp in Guix), then
the complete SBCL is compiled using the core compiled in stage 1. There
is probably also an embedded timestamp issue here (coming for clisp,
from SBCL, or both) causing the reproducibility issue.

The patches currently in the staging branch don't have any effect on
the generation of source files or on the format of the compiled files,
so they will not help with this issue.

Removing this source file timestamp from compiled files would simplify
things. Maybe nothing really depends on it and it would be possible...

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