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Re: SimpleWebKit (was GNUstep Web browser (was Re: WebKit Bounty))

From: Peter Cooper
Subject: Re: SimpleWebKit (was GNUstep Web browser (was Re: WebKit Bounty))
Date: Wed, 07 Mar 2007 08:35:46 +0100



The current progress in SimpleWebKit is very gratifying, I did a test build of the code from a few days ago and the code compiled on GNUstep (with only one slight change to an #ifdef), and a simple palette seemed quite buildable (although in that version of the code there was no content rendering).

Ok, that brings up a different aspect - maintaining an own web browser
is a duplicate of work. And that is a completey different topic/

I agree, web browser application development is a bit out of scope here. I'm not sure it fits into the GNUstep-as-library, or GNUstep-as-dev-env philosophy at all, but it probably works for the GNUstep-as-desktop-env people. I'd imagine Etoile is more interested in a disarticulated, embeddable-everywhere object ;-)

1. SimpleWebKit as part of mySTEP is here and shows that it works.
2. And I will continue to work on it since I have reasons to do so.
3. The offer to the GNUstep community to adopt it for a GNUstep web
browser it is here.
4. But the GNUstep community must decide if they want to follow this
path and integrate it or not.

I would very much like SimpleWebKit to be included as a framework into the GNUstep-gui or dev-libs collections. As a number of people have mentioned, even a purely standards-compliant(!) (X)HTML renderer has significant practical uses for many existing and future tools and applications, especially where the application has some control over it's source HTML.

As Nikolaus says, it *is* possible to have a broadly-working framework for virtually all web content if enough effort is applied. The amount of effort to get there is - unfortunately - likely to be very high. For that reason, agreeing with Richard here, it'd be prudent to ensure that SimpleWebKit could be easily swapped-out and replaced at runtime by a future port of WebKit (with all those tens of people at Apple, webkit.org and the KHTML crowd chasing compatibility with awful markup for us), and although this can be left for a later date it'd be smart to think about *how* to do this easily fairly soon.

The question remains to me why we should write a (new?) basic xhtml
view when we can have a full (x)html view - to avoid duplication.

At this rate, we'll have running code (thanks for the screenshot by the way!) available for integration soon.

The previously-attempted port of WebKit has stalled and any new port is (as far as I know, currently) vapourware. Choosing between something available and vapourware is easy I think: there is no actual duplication right now!

The benefits of the future port of WebKit (all-of-web functionality, extremely bullet-proof and widely tested code, devteam numbering in the tens of people) are not significantly diminished by having SimpleWebKit in the tree. I still need the all-of-web functionality, for example, as do others! Are any more people into helping with the bounty?

Integrating SimpleWebKit into our tree is quite beneficial because it makes some functionality available that we need (source code and Nib compatibility with OSX, basic (X)HTML functionality), it is available (Nikolaus is building it for his project), it is suitable for limited-resource platforms, and there are other added social bonuses in that we can add a little more development effort by enhancing and testing SimpleWebKit which can be shared back to QuantumStep if Nikolaus wishes.

In summary, I'd like SimpleWebKit added, and when it's in svn, perhaps more people can help out.

I'd be interested in helping with the CSS components once I understand a little more Nikolaus' approach to rendering.


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