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Re: Process to build standalone Emacs + deps in Windows

From: Juan José García-Ripoll
Subject: Re: Process to build standalone Emacs + deps in Windows
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2020 14:16:54 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/26.3 (windows-nt)

Phillip Lord <address@hidden> writes:
> Juan José García-Ripoll <address@hidden> writes:
>> Eli Zaretskii <address@hidden> writes:
>> Incidentally, here goes a patch to allow build-zips.sh just build zips (with
>> build-zips.sh -z) and avoid building the installer.
> I'd rather not add that at the moment. I suspect that there are only two
> people who have ever run build-zips.sh and one of them (me) doesn't need
> it.

I think that build-zips.sh is actually far more useful than the current
build setup that is by default in the nt/ directory. I personally do not
use the latter, because it forces me to have a full installation of
Msys/Mingw laying around.

So the fact that only two (maybe now three) people use it is not because
it is not useful, but because it is not visible. The consequence of this
is the type of hacky instructions that are out there in the internet,
advising people to build emacs, install it in a directory and copy all
of mingw64's *.dll.

Instead, Emacs on Windows should have, by default, a build process that
allows users to build their own standalone installation, without
imposing them to use makensis.

My 2c.


Juan José García Ripoll

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