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RE: [External] : Re: Current mode command discovery

From: Drew Adams
Subject: RE: [External] : Re: Current mode command discovery
Date: Sun, 21 Feb 2021 22:46:07 +0000

> > Have we seen a complete, succinct, description
> > of the two "features" (which both apparently
> > filter)?
> >
> > Could someone please post that description,
> > apart from these long, convoluted threads?
> >
> I believe the NEWS file on the master branch has been kept up-to-date:
> https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/emacs.git
> /tree/etc/NEWS__;!!GqivPVa7Brio!MbL7drkVlsbDK4CmZc61-V9hngoLnSJgmc-
> UKRC65sOOHceASdzWB6ma_FTFY8ad$


> > ** New command 'execute-extended-command-for-buffer'.
> > This new command, bound to 'M-S-x', works like
> > 'execute-extended-command', but limits the set of commands to the
> > commands that have been determined to be particularly useful with the
> > current mode.

We still have no description (let alone a spec) of
what "particularly useful" for a mode should mean.

It's admitted that this is a judgment call, but no
criteria for judgment have been given, AFAIK, except
for Stefan's NOT-useful-if-always-raises-error.  And
that was said by others not to be a real criterion.

So that new command seems particularly undefined...

However, the particularly useful objections raised
so far have been wrt the implementation: hard-coding
the association of command & mode(s) in source code.

> > ** New user option 'read-extended-command-predicate'.
> > This option controls how 'M-x' performs completion of commands when
> > you type TAB.  By default, any command that matches what you have
> > typed is considered a completion candidate, but you can customize
> > this option to exclude commands that are not applicable to the current
> > buffer's major and minor modes, and respect the command's completion
> > predicate (if any).

I see.  But which way does the predicate go?
Does it filter out or filter in?  I guess that
description doesn't help with that basic question,
and you have to use `C-h v' to find out.

How does this predicate relate to or interact with
the tampering with `interactive' (new, second arg)
in the source code?  Is the predicate an additional
test?  An overriding test?

> > ** New forms to declare how completion should happen has been added.

(Grammar problem in that sentence: plural subject,
singular verb.)

> > '(declare (completion PREDICATE))' can be used as a general predicate
> > to say whether the command should be present when completing with
> > 'M-x TAB'.  '(declare (modes MODE...))' can be used as a short-hand
> > way of saying that the command should be present when completing from
> > buffers in major modes derived from MODE..., or, if it's a minor
> > mode, whether that minor mode is enabled in the current buffer.

So the first one applies only when no input is typed
at the `M-x' prompt - just `TAB'?  No effect otherwise?

Or is that also true of the second one (using `modes')?

How does the `M-x TAB' filtering interact with filtering
by the new option (above)?  (Same question posed above.)

> > ** The 'interactive' syntax has been extended to allow listing
> > applicable modes.
> > Forms like '(interactive "p" dired-mode)' can be used to annotate the
> > commands as being applicable for modes derived from 'dired-mode',
> > or if the mode is a minor mode, that the current buffer has that
> > minor mode activated.  Note that using this form will create byte
> > code that is not compatible with byte code in previous Emacs versions.

This sounds like a repeat of what is said in the previous
entry (except for the last sentence).  Is that right?  If
so, why have both?

And again, why go through all that, and make users go
through all of it, instead of just putting a property
on a command symbol to indicate the same thing(s?)?

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