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Re: Can we give Eli a break, please? [ Was: Re: Development Speed ]

From: dick
Subject: Re: Can we give Eli a break, please? [ Was: Re: Development Speed ]
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2021 12:12:39 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.14 (Gnus v5.14) Commercial/28.0.50 (gnu/linux)

AM> He could do with a break.

You make it sound as if he doesn't relish the convo.

Uninformed lookie-loos such as xenodasein do fly-by's all the time, and
the usual suspects from this list take the bait.  And why wouldn't they?
It's much easier and more gratifying putting these unheralded
know-it-all's in their place, than writing code and fixing bugs.

I wonder if our maintainer wears a toga.  He's really nailed down the
Hippocratic Oath of "first, do no harm" (the corollary of which is
"don't move fast and don't break things"), and his Socratic approach to
answering questions by asking five more is masterful.

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