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Emacs on macOS

From: Perry Smith
Subject: Emacs on macOS
Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2022 17:52:01 -0500

I’m not sure if this is the best list for this:

I have an M1 Max (arm based / Apple Silicon) MacBook Pro with the latest macOS 
of 12.3.  I also have Homebrew installed with about 27 items installed.  I have 
not installed any libraries just to have the libraries but have only installed 

In any case, building emacs was the usual drop dead easy: ./configure; make ; 
make install

The one tiny hiccup is you need to do:

sudo xattr -rds com.apple.quarantine Emacs.app

to get the Emacs.app to launch.  The GNU Emacs web site points users to 
EmacsForMacOSX.  EmacsForMacOSX has problems opening files in ~/Desktop, 
~/Downloads, and ~/Documents if the user is using Apple’s cloud solution.  My 
belief is that these problems come up because the EmacsForMacOSX starts with a 
ruby script which eventually launches the emacs binary.  I believe macOS at 
that point no longer trusts the executable — which seems totally reasonable.

Now… for my question:

When emacs dies on a Mac (as with any application), a GUI window pops up with a 
place to enter some text and a button that says “Report”.  When the button is 
hit, something sends something somewhere but I doubt if anything is sent to the 
emacs-bug list.  The window appears to have some pretty useful information like 
stack trace for each thread, etc.

The flip side is, report-emacs-bug also has a lot of useful information.  My 
question is what is the preferred or most effective way to combine these two 
sources of information?  One choice is to copy what is in the macOS window and 
paste it into the email that report-emacs-bug creates.  Another choice might be 
to attach a file that macOS creates when an application dies but I don’t know 
where that file lives.

Thank you for your time

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