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[FR-devel] Hi to FR-devel (and lil question)

From: gabriele renzi
Subject: [FR-devel] Hi to FR-devel (and lil question)
Date: Tue, 13 May 2003 22:04:43 +0200 (CEST)

Hi everybody!
I just subscribed this ml (or , Curt just approved
me), so I need to say why I'm here .

I'm a student in Computer Engineering in Italy, and a
ruby fan since may/2002.
Even if I have some experience with Java and C I don't
think I'm a good programmer at all,  so I wont bother
you about main design issues ;) 

The main reason I subscribed this list is that I think
FreeRIDE is something wonderful and I'd just want to
follow its development.

The other reason is that obviously I hope I can help
someway, writing plugins and so on.

Or, at least, founding bugs [3534,3535,3562] ^_^

So I start directly with a little question: 
I was thinking about a simple "Goto Line|Word" tool,
but I don't know how to put up a simple prompting box.

I looked in the rubyide_gui (and fox_gui)dir, but
could'nt find nothing. 
Do I have to use Fox directly ?

And, why there are no msgBox (prompt, alert, yes/no
etc) at all in rubyide_gui? Do you think that these
are just toolkit-specific?

I have to thank Curt Hibbs for accepting my request, I
hope I wont hurt nobody :)

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