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Re: [glob2-devel] feedback on Globulation 2 (long, with many topics)

From: Leo Wandersleb
Subject: Re: [glob2-devel] feedback on Globulation 2 (long, with many topics)
Date: Fri, 06 Apr 2007 01:02:08 +0200
User-agent: Icedove (X11/20070307)

Hi Joe

Thanks for testing and all of your comments. Let me add this:

There are many difficulties when using the checkerboard pattern for
making forbidden areas for farming.  Placing the pattern correctly is
quite delicate.  If one accidentally uses the pattern one location
away from where one should, the pattern gets completely messed up and
one has to make several mouse trips to the right area selecting
different tool options to clean up the mistake.  What would be better
would be to use solid patterns but have an option that caused turning
the area _on_ for locations whose x and y coordinates summed to an odd
number and _off_ otherwise.  Then one would could quickly drag the
tool across a large area to set up the checkerboard pattern.

True.  So when we place one pattern next to another one it will not
stupidly be set, but set aligned to the former - ensured by differencing
between even and odd fields.  We should do it.

i started doing it 7 weeks ago but as all the code is so much "optimized"
the patterns are in no way generic and i wasn't able to finish it in time.
maybe that's a nice spot to continue working on glob2 now :) Should be
easy to do and is important in my eyes.

BUG?:  Clearing areas appear to override forbidden areas.  Is this

No, this would be a bug.

No this is not a bug. a clearing area tells the glob to clear if next to
it so it doesn't have to walk on it to clear it.

When a building is set to X workers, and X is more than the number of
resources needed to finish construction/repair/upgrading, then it
seems that some worker effort and resources often ends up wasted.  It
is very tedious to have to micromanage the number of workers assigned
to a building as the building nears completion to keep this from
happening.  It seems like it ought to be possible to auto-reduce the
number of workers assigned to a construction site so that the number
of workers is limited by the amount of resources still needed for the

I think our goal is to not having to tell a building how many workers
it should use for construction, but to give it a priority value so that
it can negotiate this with the other buildings.

goal, yes. but the proposed was already implemented in .21
I have the impression that much was broken with the new unit-allocation
so maybe this info is outdated:
buildings request only up to 2x the workers needed to carry the remaining
resources. that's because they might get hungry or blocked by hostile
forces ...

Leo Wandersleb

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