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[Gnu-arch-users] Re: designing how to kill pristine trees

From: Miles Bader
Subject: [Gnu-arch-users] Re: designing how to kill pristine trees
Date: 07 Oct 2003 16:55:12 +0900

Denys Duchier <address@hidden> writes:
> > So I'm not exactly sure how tla could accomodate this, other than by
> > having a hardwired algorithm like the one I previously suggested.
> tla caching-method?

The issue in my mind was whether it was OK to have `special purpose'
algorithms like that at all (well I think my algorithm's generally
useful actually but at least some people disagreed).

I'd like to have a little more control than just a toggle though, if
possible, e.g., maybe my invlib path could look something like:


[Where `:' is the path separator, and `sibling#FOO' is some magic syntax
meaning `use a "sibling" dir called FOO']

However, I suspect there will be cries that the above is ugly, and it's
probably unnecessary if tla would call a script to construct the

For instance, here's a script that implements the algorithm I described
earlier.  A small twist being that it actually finds _two_ revision
libraries for the sources, one for `pristines' (automatically managed
cache), and one for `library entries' (user managed):

   # Construct a tla revision library path.
   # CWD should be in the tree tla wants to operate on.
   # The returned path is separated by `:'; the first entry is considered
   # special in that it is used for automatically cached revisions.

   # Default

   # Find sibling root
   while :; do
     test "$DIR" = / && break
     cd ..
     test -r "$DIR/{arch}/.arch-project-tree" && SIBS="$PARENT"

   if test "$SIBS"; then

   echo "$REVLIB_PATH"

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