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Re: [Gnu-arch-users] Why we might use subversion instead of arch.

From: Pierce T . Wetter III
Subject: Re: [Gnu-arch-users] Why we might use subversion instead of arch.
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2004 20:17:12 -0700

behind me in grokking arch, whereas svn would be easy to move to.

  Neither svn or arch have a GUI tool we can easily use on Mac OS X
Cocoa that compares to CVL.

So we're still in the "CVS sucks, but does it suck enough to be worth
switching" state.

  Hence the "might use subversion" above. We might just stick with CVS
until tla 1.4 :-)

I suppose if you're happy enough for the time being with CVS, that's not all that bad a plan -- you can switch when something makes you go `Wow!', or at least when the issues have had a bit more time to percolate in your brain.

Yeah. My current plan is actually to play with arch in the dumb and simple mode for a bit. (one archive, update and commit to that archive, done.) Half my problem I realized was that I trying to use every feature of arch, ALL AT THE SAME TIME! No wonder I was getting snowed.

Really, if you dumb an archive on a file server somewhere, and have everyone share it, the model isn't that different from CVS.

Be wary of the `oooooooh, shiny' reflex though: a nice GUI tool is, well, nice, but a lot less important than a robust and well-designed infrastructure -- it's much easier to switch front-ends (should someone write a new whizzy one that you like) than to convert all your repository data when you later
realize you picked the wrong thing!

To be honest, all I ever use a GUI tool for is to cherry pick changes I'm ready to checkin, which arch would make less of an issue, or to double check the other engineers changes before I grab them, which arch would also make less of an issue.


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