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Re: Odd effects from setting SHELL?

From: Philip Guenther
Subject: Re: Odd effects from setting SHELL?
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2007 14:43:05 -0600

On 6/21/07, Christian Convey <address@hidden> wrote:
When I just do this:
   cd /lib_foo; make all
everything works just fine.

But when I do *this*:
   cd /lib_foo; make SHELL=/bin/csh all
things *don't* work fine:

This is, in general, a Bad Idea.  Makefiles should always be written
with /bin/sh syntax for portability and avoid the limitations in csh
syntax.  (For example, a makefile rule written in csh can't loop using
csh's 'foreach', as that requires a real newline.  sh's 'for' doesn't
have that problem.)

The "%.o: %.cpp" rule in invokes gcc.  When I don't
explicitly set SHELL, gcc's current working directory is /src/lib_foo
(which is what I want.)  When I *do* set SHELL, gcc's working
directory is my home directory, /home/cjc/.  gcc is then unable to
find the source code files, and fails.

Your .cshrc (or .tcshrc) is doing 'cd $HOME' or just 'cd'.  "Don't do that".

P.S. The reason I'm setting SHELL at all is that some of the commands
within the makefiles need to redirect both stdout and stderr to
/dev/null.  tcsh and bash have different ways of doing this, so I was
trying to force the use of some particular shell by our makefiles.

And you reason for not just using the portable /bin/sh syntax is....?

Philip Guenther

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