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Re: bitstream vera sans mono ugly in gnus

From: Peter Petersen
Subject: Re: bitstream vera sans mono ugly in gnus
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2005 16:42:30 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)

Aidan Kehoe <> writes:

> Your other applications are using the Xft library, which Is And Ever Shall
> Be better-looking than traditional server-side X11 fonts. There’s a CVS
> branch of XEmacs that incorporates support for this library; I don’t

o.k., but I use emacs, not xemacs, though I don't really know what are
pros and cons of those two alternatives.

> GNU Emacs certainly doesn’t have it in CVS, but it may have a patch kicking
> around.

Well, found one site but the link to the patch is dysfunctional

> What Frank Schmitt is talking about is the TrueType bytecode interpreter,
> part of the TrueType specification.  Because Apple has a patent on this
> technology in the US, most Linux distributions ship with that functionality
> turned off in FreeType. When enabled for the server-side font renderer, and
> when using fonts that support these bytecode hints, display is improved,
> though not to the level of Xft. 

Thanks for explaining that.
Seems I am stuck with more or less ugly fonts then. :-(

I did some google searching for good monospace fonts to use with
emacs. But basically I didn't get one step forward. "terminus" has
already been mentioned, but like I said, I don't like it better than my
monotype-courier new, which is only a sad compromise.

If someone still knows of good fixed width fonts for emacs, please, let
me know.

thanks again

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