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Re: Minor release checklist

From: Phil Holmes
Subject: Re: Minor release checklist
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2012 16:12:54 +0100

----- Original Message ----- From: "John Mandereau" <address@hidden>
To: "Phil Holmes" <address@hidden>
Cc: "Devel" <address@hidden>
Sent: Monday, September 10, 2012 3:59 PM
Subject: Re: Minor release checklist

Il giorno lun, 10/09/2012 alle 15.08 +0100, Phil Holmes ha scritto:
it says:

"Switch to the release branch, get changes, prep release announcement. This
requires a clean index and work tree. If the checkout displays modified
files, you might want to run git reset --hard before continuing."

I'm 99.9% sure I'm correct here, but just to be _really_ sure. This doesn't
have to be on the GUB machine, right?  It can be any machine with push
ability, because GUB will pull the changed files before doing the build. If
this is true, OK if I update the CG?

If you ask GUB to build a given branch, it will fetch it from Savannah,
so you're correct.


Thanks, John.  I'm following the CG to the letter, and type:

git checkout origin/release/unstable

This puts me into detached head state - presumably because I don't have a local branch called release/unstable.

Following that with

git merge origin

and I get "fatal: 'origin' is not a commit". I presume the intention of the merge is to get release/unstable to the same point as master? Strikes me we should not _require_ a release/unstable branch on the machine where the updates are being done. Could someone tell me the syntax to merge master into a branch in detached head state?


(I'll update the CG once I've run it through parrot-fashion).

Phil Holmes

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