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Re: [GLISS] non-timed or non-musical events "z" "y"

From: David Kastrup
Subject: Re: [GLISS] non-timed or non-musical events "z" "y"
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2012 19:23:43 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/24.2.50 (gnu/linux)

Graham Percival <address@hidden> writes:

> I don't follow this.  If we can produce an unambiguous "expansion"
> of
>    c'1-<< s4 s\< s2 z\! >>
> into
>    << { c'1 } { s4 s\< s2 z\! } >>
> then surely it can be expressed as music functions.

\displayLilyMusic would have no chance reconstructing the input.  The
meaning of - here is quite different to normal usage, there is no really
meaningful interpretation to things like
c'1-<< s4 s\< s2 z\! >>-.
as opposed to the normal alliterative meaning of accents, there is no
sensible interpretation to
x = -<< s4 s\< s2 z\! >>
in an assignment, or in a use as a music argument.

This is a quantum leap backwards in making LilyPond and Scheme
expressions and variables and functions and arguments in the parser work
and combine in a predictable manner.

I am working hard on stopping the Scheme layer from being something
entirely different and interacting in unpredictable ways with LilyPond
depending on where variables and function arguments start and end.

I really don't get why people are keen on destroying all progress we
have made regarding a straightforward relation between Scheme and

> I know that you are not convinced that this can be done
> unambiguously, but that's what we're talking about.

Given the respective levels of work, expertise and planning invested in
the parser, I would wish for a modicum more of listening accompanying
the talking.

David Kastrup

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