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Re: [Monotone-devel] Command aliases and removing command expansion from

From: Chad Walstrom
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] Command aliases and removing command expansion from monotone
Date: Wed, 14 Dec 2005 10:02:35 -0600

Nathaniel Smith <address@hidden>  wrote:
> Fingers are also effectively a scripting environment; I think the
> other _monotone_ developers would lynch us if we tried to make them
> relearn "up" or "ci".  Never mind the actual user base :-).

True.  Very, very true, and thus why command names need to be chosen
carefully to be effective.  I find expansion works best if command
spelling diverges within three to five letters.

> Since you're such an avid user of the command expansions... can you
> give more details on which ones you use?

Basically anything when I don't have BASH's beautiful command-line
expansion to help me out (Thanks, Olivier!).  For example -- since you
requested one -- if I don't remember the command, I often find myself
typing "monotone hel" and forgetting that I'm still running monotone
0.23, then retyping it as "monotone --help". ;-)

(Adds "install 0.24 on sarge boxen" to his TODO list.)

With respect to update, I generally type "upd" instead of "up".  I
have no good reason for doing it other than that's what my fingers
tend to do.  IMHO, it's just good command-line interface design, and
for that I say, "Thanks, again!"

Chad Walstrom <address@hidden> 
           assert(expired(knowledge)); /* core dump */

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