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Re: [Monotone-devel] Re: New commands (for mtn, in lua)

From: Ulf Ochsenfahrt
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] Re: New commands (for mtn, in lua)
Date: Wed, 05 Sep 2007 23:20:05 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070326)

Markus Schiltknecht wrote:
In my case, I certainly don't want to trigger a sync before each and every update. Instead, something like "at startup, then every 30 minutes and before shutdown" fits my workflow much better. And if you are now thinking "cronjob!", you've just stumbled across another point in the UNIX philosophy: write programs that do one thing and do it well.

Maybe I can make a counter-proposal:

My workflow looks like this:
When I get to work, I do mtn sync, and then update every workspace tracking a branch that has new revisions. During the day I work and commit stuff. At the end of the day, I check every workspace for uncommited revisions, commit them, and do a final sync.

What I'd really like to see (instead of an automatic sync before update), is a more powerful sync command:

the basic unit of data in monotone is a revision
a branch contains several revisions
a project contains several branches and/or projects (and possibly access rules for the branches)

I would like to be able to say "sync this project with this person", and monotone would:
1. check if workspaces have uncommited changes
2. sync project and subprojects
3. sync revisions in those projects
4. optional: merge branches and sync again
5. update workspaces
6. give me an overview of what is new and exciting

The sync operation might go out to multiple monotone servers and sync with them. My monotone config would contain a separate default server setting for every project.

There are numerous technical and social problems with this (which may or may not be solvable). But the basic question is:
What is the right way to think about network syncing?


-- Ulf

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