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Re: Fw: nano key bindings

From: Victor Khong - Horsefly Realty
Subject: Re: Fw: nano key bindings
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2023 10:44:53 -0800

I use nano in various Linux distributions and have compiled it and use in 2 Windows operating system computers using Windows Sublayer for Linux installed. One is using Debian and the other Ubuntu. Because these use cases are not in a browser window, ^W does not result in the window being closed as that keystroke is not intercepted by a browser.

Victor Khong

On Fri, Jan 13, 2023 at 4:03 AM Benno Schulenberg <> wrote:

Op 12-01-2023 om 22:23 schreef Chris Allegretta:
> the default key that we advertise for search is, for more and more users
> nowadays, unfortunately  destructive to their editing session.

When I try to close my Xfce terminal emulator while nano is still running,
I get a dialog box asking me "*Close window?* A process is still running."
Why does the terminal-in-the-browser not have the same feature?

And as Sébastien asks: why does the browser grab only ^W?  Why does it not
grab ^F to search in the terminal page, ^A to select all text in that page,
M-E to open the Edit menu of the browser?  And so on.  How does this work?
Do all other Ctrl+letter and Alt+letter keystrokes of nano work just fine?
Or are there still a few more that are grabbed by the browser?

Also, when running a terminal-in-the-browser, is nano running locally on
the same machine as the browser?  Or is a terminal-in-the-browser always
used to access a remote machine?

In the case of CS101 students, if they are using nano on a remote machine
through a browser on their local machine, then I would suggest to the admins
of that remote machine to put these two lines in its /etc/nanorc:

     bind ^F whereis main
     bind ^B wherewas main

> To me, nano's intended audience was always the 1st year University student
> sitting down at the terminal in their CS101 class, who is actually looking at
> and being grateful for the 'bottombars', with the help description for the
> mainly used keys plainly written and accessible. I believe more and more
> nowadays those folks will likely be using some web terminal [...]

Can anyone on this list confirm that they use nano through a browser window

And is their anyone who can give me access to a terminal-in-the-browser so
that I can experience how this works?


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