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Re: Fw: nano key bindings

From: Benno Schulenberg
Subject: Re: Fw: nano key bindings
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2023 16:23:11 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/102.4.2

Op 13-01-2023 om 09:02 schreef Seb:
What's really important for me is that ^W remains a valid key stroke for searching (even if not advertised on the menu lines), including the sequences ^W^Y and ^W^V which I use everyday too, to navigate but also to cut large chunks.

Don't worry.  Even if ^F would become bound by default to Whereis, the
older bindings ^W, ^Q, M-W, M-Q, ^W^V, and ^W^Y will continue to exist.

I'm pretty sure, though, that changing ^F will get you (the devel team) a ton
 of criticism from old timers,

Possibly.  But I'm not so very worried about that.  Nano-5.0 changed the
meaning of the old ^T binding, from Spell-Check to Execute, and I've not
heard anyone complain about that.  Changing ^F to Whereis will probably
affect a few more people, but the ones affected will probably be savvy
enough, as Chris says, to quickly fix this with:

    bind ^F right main

who may say that the ^F binding was inspired by the holy shell, or just "logical" ("F"orward),

Besides, it is what joe and Emacs and uEmacs and Pico do.

(And Benno, on Firefox you can still activate in the settings one of everybody's favorite features of Mozilla : "search as you type", without pressing ^F first;

I know.  I've used it for a long time, but it interfered with something
-- I forget what -- so I don't use it any longer.  But even if I would
use it, I would sometimes type ^W for Search out of habit: I sometimes
type ^W in 'less' too, or / in nano.  :|

you can even click links by pressing Enter.)
Yes, I do that regularly, mostly after a Search.


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