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Re: New very simple methodology to create a m-file compiler.

From: Nicholas Jankowski
Subject: Re: New very simple methodology to create a m-file compiler.
Date: Tue, 7 May 2019 17:00:57 -0400

The interpreter runs the m-files somehow, how does it run them? It creates compiled data
segments with the interpreter and runs these segments , one after the other and inbetween
the octave variable handling is run. So this requires an analysis of every line repeatedly in e.g.
a loop. The idea is to have the interpreter go through every line of the m-file and create the runnable
segments and puzzle them together. This would only require analysis of every line once and would
be much faster.

what you describe sounds like a JIT compiler. it was my assumption that this is what you were trying to do.  this conversation started many months ago and I thought that is what had been mentioned/described.  There have also been a couple past attempts at making an octave m-code compiler.  e.g., see http://octave.1599824.n4.nabble.com/Alternative-Matlab-Octave-compiler-td4672195.html

so, maybe at this point it is worth stepping back and determining what the scope and intent of your proposed project is, and start by looking at what's been done before. then, if the goal still makes sense relative to the work required, you can figure out what might be of the most use.

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