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Re: libpax?

From: Wolfgang Jährling
Subject: Re: libpax?
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 01:14:55 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.0.1i

Joerg Schilling <address@hidden> wrote:
> -     If a tar library in a closed application (such as the kernel) failes,
>       there is no way to work around the problem. You are bound to the
>       specialized code in the clused application.

I'm not talking about a kernel.  I`m talking about the Hurd, where a
file system is just like any other program and can be replaced easiely,
without need for being the administrator.  The tarfs I am talking about
will be a program, running under the user ID of the user, having a
process ID etc.


Wolfgang Jährling  <address@hidden>  \\
Debian GNU/Hurd user && Debian GNU/Linux user \\
The Hurd Hacking Guide:
["We're way ahead of you here. The Hurd has always been on the    ]
[ cutting edge of not being good for anything." -- Roland McGrath ]

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