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Re: Pingus Readme

From: Björn Fischer
Subject: Re: Pingus Readme
Date: Wed, 07 Apr 2004 07:27:28 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040113

Neil Mitchell wrote:


I was rooting around the SVN and noticed there are lots and lots of readme
files, for different purposes, without particular clear meanings or up to
date information. To combat this I think there needs to be one readme for
users, and one for developers, and nothing else.

I think the readme for users should also be in HTML format, instead of plain
text. The reason for this is that a table of contents would be useful, and
HTML does this a lot better. Also (minimal) styling would be nice, with
proper topics. Also there are lots of links which would be clickable.
Finally, all browsers support all line endings, however most text editors
don't - so an HTML readme is if anything more viewable for more people.

HTML is also better because then there won't be problem with CR/LF for line breaks on Windows. And at last every windows has the extention .html registered to a browser. With extensios like .unix or .languages this is usually not the case... It might be not that important, but nicer for win-users.

I have written (or gathered together) such a readme for the users, and would
like feedback - is this a better direction than lots of small readmes? Is
HTML the right choice? Does the readme have the right content areas in? A
lot of the topics need filling in, and in most cases thats because there is
no equivalent information in other readmes around the place.

I like the style and also the context areas seem sensitive to me. Maybe the "How to help" section can be a bit more detailed, but the rest is good I think.

The list is probably not complete, but the "How to help" section could express the following:

-    Take over the world (indeed a good point :-)
-    Send bug reports
-    Create new levels
-    Contribute to debugging and developing, if you are a programmer

If this is the
right direction, maybe checking it into SVN, and then anyone can submit
patches (I have no idea about a lot of the stuff in there)

This takes all the content from:

The files I have marked for inclusion in a developers readme are:

If this is a sensible idea, then I'll draft a basic developers readme as
well and flesh out (or ask for information for) some of the topics in the
user readme.

This is a very sensible idea! I'm looking forward for the devel-readme :-)



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