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Re: [RP] Some changes

From: Ryan Yeske
Subject: Re: [RP] Some changes
Date: 10 Feb 2001 15:28:53 -0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.0.97

shawn <address@hidden> writes:

> So I added some code to handle TRANSIENT_FOR windows (dialog boxes 'n'
> the like) right now in CVS the window is centered, but this could be
> configurable or something. Anyway, these windows are generally far
> from maximized. There is a slight mapping problem with them. I good
> way to duplicate it is with a netscape popup window. I've been reading
> over the ICCCM document to figure out how you're REALLY supposed to
> resize, move, map, and configure windows as the window
> manager. Hopefully this will allow me to fix the TRANSIENT_FOR bug
> (you're welcome to fix it too, if you can figure it out :) and lead to
> some insight about the x-terminal size funkiness.
> Oh ya that code freeze? uhm, ya.
> Anyway, so next weekend seems like a reasonable target date for
> 0.0.6. What do you guys think?

works for me.  here's what ive been doing:

ya know all those char[100]'s through the source, well there are some
bugs surrounding those hard coded values, i was getting strange
crashes using mozilla.  turns out with mozilla i can get window names
longer than 100, and they overflow the buffer.  anyway, thats almost
all done, its now using dynamically resizing string buffers.

i would like to get real keymap support done, perhaps not runtime
binding, but at least being able to (in actions.c) define different
key prefixes, or bind actions to keys sans prefix.  i have that
working, but its not too clean yet.  should be able to have it ready
for next weekend.

also, as a result of the work that i have done, i have the ability to
color the current window differently in the window bar.  however, it
now places an asterisk between the number and the name of the current
window, a la screen:

0-emacs  1*mozilla  2-xterm

the reason is, i build up that string and then draw it to the bar
window, to separate the string/memory management from the window
operations.  if too many people are attached to having lots of colors
used up in ratpoison I do have a way to put them back in there.

while im on the topic i was thinking it might be nice to do like 9wm
and get rid of colors altogether, always have black on white.  it does
means a the antidream of a themable ratpoison would be a greater
impossibility :)

ya, you could say im ripping out code more than im contributing new
code, but we gotta keep the memory footprint and the possibility for
bugs down :)


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