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Re: [RP] non-working key

From: Trent Buck
Subject: Re: [RP] non-working key
Date: Sat May 8 23:19:01 2004

Currently, upper and lowercase letter bindings to 'top' are working.  

Keys such as 'Space', 'Down' and 'Left' require shift to be held down.
Strangely, Tab works doesn't require shift.

I think because the tab is mapped to 'Tab ISOLeftTab', whereas the
other non-letter bindings are the same shifted and unshifted.


I have made an SVG (read: diagram) to help me map keys logically.
Since most of you have different keyboards, it probably won't be much
use, but it's pretty to look at.  Keys beginning with ':' are submaps.

If you have Inkscape:

If you have any other SVG reader:

If you have no SVG reader:

<foo> I was supposed to give a presentation on censorship today.
<foo> So I put in a pr0n video and they made me turn it off.

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