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Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] Allowing git repos to automatically push t

From: Ian Kelling
Subject: Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] Allowing git repos to automatically push to$PROJECT
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2021 16:43:10 -0400
User-agent: mu4e 1.5.7; emacs 28.0.50

Bob Proulx <> writes:

> The place to start if trying to add a git web page backend would be to
> modify editgroupfeatures.php to add the feature selection.  This is
> really just an interface to the database.  The appropriate table would
> need to be modified to add a field to hold the project's web vcs
> selection.
> If that were in place then the process that sets up the hook scripts
> could do the right thing and trigger the correct checkout on the
> backend of things.

Ok, seems like we should setup a development instance of Savane, at
least the relevant parts. Does that sound right?

- Ian

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