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[RFC] speech dispatcher client/server data types

From: William Hubbs
Subject: [RFC] speech dispatcher client/server data types
Date: Mon, 4 Oct 2010 09:02:09 -0500

Hi Andrei,

On Mon, Oct 04, 2010 at 08:43:09AM -0500, Christopher Brannon wrote:
> Andrei Kholodnyi <andrei.kholodnyi at gmail.com> writes:
> > My proposal would be to align these data types
> > and use the data types definitions from the libspeechd across all
> > project modules
> > with a clear advantage of consistency in data types between client and 
> > server.
> We have a trade-off.
> I can see the advantage: consistency.
> The disadvantage is coupling.  If someone ever needs to change one of
> those shared types, it must change in both the client and server, even
> if there's a good reason for changing it in only one component.

Also, when you change a type in the client, you have to bump the shared
library revision number.

> Also, sharing declarations means that components of Speech Dispatcher
> could not be separated into subprojects, if the need ever arises.

The way to do this, imho, would be to copy the types from libspeechd.h
to some place in the include directory, but also leave them in
libspeechd.h so the API and server sides are not forced to share
the type declarations.  Sharing these type declarations is the thing I
am uncomfortable with about your proposal, not the actual data types.


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