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[Texmacs-dev] [ANN] My public plugin repository

From: David Allouche
Subject: [Texmacs-dev] [ANN] My public plugin repository
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2003 13:42:32 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.4i

Hello texmacs hackers,

I have just created a new category "plugins" in my texmacs archive. It
contains my collection of personal plugins and may be of interest to
some people.

Everyone is encouraged to modify those plugins and/or add their own
plugins either using old-tech methods (patches by email...) or by
creating a personal arch archive.

Of course these plugins come with absolutely no warranty, use them at
your own risk, you'd better know what you are doing, etc.

To get them you need tla:
  apt-get install tla

Then register my texmacs archive:
  tla register-archive address@hidden \

Then get the "ddaa" branch of the "plugins" category

  tla get address@hidden/plugins--ddaa

Short summary of the contents:

backtrace --
  enable stack backtrace display for uncaught Scheme exceptions.

dashes -- 
  text mode shortcuts for endash and emdash Cork characters.

french-postfix --
  french language shortcuts emulating emacs' french-postfix input

french-punctuation --
  french language shortcuts to insert more correct spacing around

mini-article --
  alternative article style suited to very small document (one or two

slides --
  automatic generation of nested switches and depth first traversal;
  automatic cleanup of session output.

smart-space --
  try to prevent the use from tying extraneous space characters.

switch-buffer --
  emulate the emacs "C-x b" shortcut, make it easy to switch buffers
  from the keyboard; also provide convenient wrappers around the
  "interactive" texmacs primitive.

The most interesting ones are "backtrace" (trivial but so useful),
"switch-buffer" and "slides".

                                                            -- ddaa

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