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[Wesnoth-dev] WikiIdeas

From: Jordà Polo
Subject: [Wesnoth-dev] WikiIdeas
Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2005 11:03:36 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.6+20040907i

I have been looking for a wiki engine these days.

On the one hand, I think it would be a good idea to have a wiki on w.w.o
(with some restrictions) in order to make the website more active. This
way we could improve sections that are not always up to date, such as
the FAQ, the screenshots, or even the news in the home page.

On the other hand, the problems on w.s.i remain. We are still losing
information. But more important is the fact that people will end up 
losing their interest in contributing to it (as ott pointed out).

(Note that I wanted to run it on w.w.o, and we only have PHP there, so
it is not possible to run twiki, moinmoin, or instiki.)


So far, I have tried mediawiki, pmwiki, dokuwiki and wikkawiki, and
amongst those, mediawiki and pmwiki are probably the most promising.

Mediwiki[1] is the well known wiki engine under wikipedia: scalability
assured. It has most of the features (if not all) you can think of.

 1. http://wikipedia.sourceforge.net/

 * Slow. It could probably work fine on a dedicated sever with the
   recommended settings (turck-mmcache, memory-limit 20MB, squid...).
   Howerver, our access to w.w.o is very restricted.
 * Ugly URL's. It would be possible to clean the URL's, but that would
   require some changes.

 * Scalability.
 * Per-article discussion page.
 * User registration.

Pmwiki[2], on the other hand, is more lightweight. It is designed for
web authoring and maintenance.

 2. http://pmwiki.org/

 * User registration. No users by default, but there is a plugin
   available. (Note that even without users, it is possible to restrict 
   the permissions of pages and groups.)
 * Advanced attachments. It supports attachments, but it does not have
   some advanced features (for instance, image thumbnailing).

 * Fast.
 * Flat files. Does not require a database.
 * Clean URL's.
 * Easy to setup.
 * Very customizable layout.


I have set up a mediawiki[3] and a pmwiki[4] on w.w.o with a similar
layout (style based on the story images, by Jetryl).

 3. http://wesnoth.org/mediawiki/
 4. http://wesnoth.org/pmwiki/

If we had a dedicated server, I would probably prefer mediawiki. But
this is not the case, and I think pmwiki is also a good option.

Anyway, we have to decide the future of w.w.o and w.s.i. If we are to
move w.w.o to a wiki engine, we could also migrate our current wiki, and
left the perl scripts on w.s.i.

What are your thoughts? Do you think it is worth moving w.w.o to a wiki
engine? And what should we do with the broken wiki?

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