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From: Stefan Monnier
Subject: Re: NonGNU ELPA
Date: Sat, 21 Nov 2020 19:40:00 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/28.0.50 (gnu/linux)

> To build it locally, are the instructions in the README from GNU ELPA
> the ones to follow?

Yes and no.

To build the packages, it's much easier:

    git clone .../nongnu.git
    cd nongnu
    make build/sly

or "make build-all"

And the result is put into `archive` (as well as `archive-devel` which
is what you see in https://elpa.gnu.org/nongnu-devel/ and corresponds
to the non-stable Melpa more or less).

To "compile the packages in place", you can do "make" and it should work
more or less like for elpa.git, but it probably has some rough edges
(e.g. a subsequent "make build/sly" might burp because it expects
a clean worktree and it might mess with the .gitignore file or
something.  This part of the code needs to be adapted to the new

If you feel like taking a shot at the README, that would be welcome ;-)

> How easy is it to add a package?  Would pushing the attached patch do
> the job?

It might, but you'll also need to push the code of Magit to the
`externals/magit` branch, like in elpa.git.

IIUC Magit has various Package-Requires, so you'll have to add those
first since we don't want nongnu.git package to require packages only
found in Melpa.

> Is it useful to start adding packages at this stage?



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