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Re: night-mode?

From: Jean Louis
Subject: Re: night-mode?
Date: Sun, 22 Nov 2020 20:27:46 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/2.0 (3d08634) (2020-11-07)

* Arthur Miller <arthur.miller@live.com> [2020-11-22 19:39]:
> By the way, I wonder how many users actually change their themes past
> first few days of amazement?

For new users I do not know. I remember having nice greenish kind of
survival type of theme in Emacs back in time that I loved so much and
I think it was Lucid kit. Every day I am changing themes as it makes
it more pleasant to change. The plain light them I never used before
and in last days I started using it and became pleasant, preferences
change over time. I am using only built-in themes.

Per day I change normally one time, sometimes 2-3 times and I just hit
one of built-in themes. 

One annoying thing with themes is that they do not always switch
colors if I have default face defined. In emacs -Q it works well. I do
not define colors in default face, I try to leave them undefined but
they always come back. Maybe theme system some times considers my
preferences preceeding them and sometimes not.

Then when I wish to change the theme it does not really work with
front and background colors. Then again I switch to customize-face
default to remove colors, to save configuration that I become able to
switch the theme. This worked well before but since some time does not
behave as I expect it. Sometimes it does work, it appears confusing
and not controlable. Majority of times I have to remove background and
foreground colors from default face to be able to change the theme

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