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Re: night-mode?

From: Jean Louis
Subject: Re: night-mode?
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2020 11:36:48 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/2.0 (3d08634) (2020-11-07)

* Arthur Miller <arthur.miller@live.com> [2020-11-23 10:21]:
> I understand people like to switch to different theme for different
> reasons. What you are describing is changing theme on demand,
> actively. But if you are in the middle of typing, and suddenly
> everything you look at changes into something radically different; I 
> don't know.

heh, I can fully understand as I felt this way for long period of
time. Now I can change to any built-in theme and it needs 2-3 seconds
to accommodate the eyes and I am fine. But I do not change my default
face, so more or less only colors change. 

> I think brain is used to look at things, to connect colours to some
> semantic meaning, that is the purpose of syntax colouring (part
> Solarize got correct because they don't change accent colours); and
> suddenly you just pull it away and reconfigure everything. I am sure
> it is not hard and happends uncoscious, but it still is extra work
> for the brain; isn't it?

I would say the same before just one year or two years, and
preferences changed. For years I used colors in `mutt' and rejected
ever using it plain black white. Colors helped me recognize quote
levels, I could quickly locate pieces of information on screen. Since
I removed all colors I find it pleasant and less disturbing without
colors. And I would not say that I would ever enjoy simplicity before
even one month.

On console I have used Emacs so much and it was always black
background and that themes exist I did not even know.

> By the way; I understand your feeling for change. Back in time, some 20+
> years ago when I discovered X11 and window managers I was changing them
> on a daily basis, reconfiguring them, changing how my computer
> interaction looked and felt.

Majority of users did so as fascination with software is great. Then I
have decided to see which Window Manager is most usable, most easy to
understand and never crashes and has good speed, since then I used
IceWm and I see nothing much changed until today. WMs are crashing
less, but their speed remain the same in 20 years. Gnome and KDE
became just more bloated so personally I am using IceWM, and I used
StumpWM and I would be using more EXWM if there would be no swapping
problems or maybe memory leaks preventing me to use long sessions,
bugs which are now being researched. IceWM also has by its
configuration quick change of the theme by using mouse so I can change
to any theme now. Before some years I would despise specific themes,
but now I am kind of liberated and fine with many themes in Emacs or
outside Emacs. I just like readable faces and minibuffer to be
somewhat larger.

> I was also rebuilding my computer, my OS, and everything else I could,
> until I got tired of it after maybe a year or tow times and decided I
> will not every rebuild my computers and systems again untill they break,
> by break, I mean, I have to buy new stuff and build new system. But I
> was always in quest for more efficiency. I always wanted things faster
> and cheaper :-).

We are together.

> I have now for long time stop doing that; I use über simple window
> manager, no bling-bling desktops, same look for several years now
> (solarized dark); life is so much better. But I am unbootable when
> it comes to chasing for efficiency; otherwise I wouldn't be arguing
> about ~200 ms of Emacs init time as i did this weekend :D.

Good, only that I do not have efficiency, I am mostlyu using T410 or
T400 Thinkpad and maybe that is why. It is fast on desktop.

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