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[FR-devel] GUI Links and Morphic

From: Mike Sassak
Subject: [FR-devel] GUI Links and Morphic
Date: 24 Jan 2002 23:28:33 -0500

Ok - I added some links about usability to the developer resources, and
placed some links about Morphic at the bottom of the
GUIFrameworkProject/GUIComparison page. 

Took a look at Morphic - wow. I'm still reading over documentation on
the Morphic programming styles, and played around with it a bit in
Squeak, but so far it looks really, really cool. One thing I thought of
though - and I know very little Smalltalk, so this might just be out of
ignorance - was that after reading about how all Morphs are owned by
World - what happens if World crashes? With a contained environment like
Squeak, I can see how you'd deal with it, but layering something like
that over X? It sounds like the ideas in Morphic are pretty amazing, and
maybe even revolutionary, but it'd take a LOT of work to get them to
work w/o something quite similar to the Smalltalk VM. Of course, I've
only been looking at it for the past hour or so, so who knows. 

I can say at least, that I don't think we should use Morphic for
FreeRIDE quite yet. It's our goal to build an IDE, not implement a
completely new UI programming paradigm, right? We'll save that for
version 2.0. ;)


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