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[glob2-devel] Backwards Compatibility and the next release (must read)

From: Bradley Arsenault
Subject: [glob2-devel] Backwards Compatibility and the next release (must read)
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2007 19:36:44 -0400

** The problem **
I have gone ahead and started implementing the new map and game
headers. I have the classes done, they compile. I haven't yet
integrated them into Glob2 yet, they just sit on their own.

I've noticed that it is confusing and not straight forward maintaining
backwards compatibility with the file saves. I'm trying to ignore that
fact and implement code anyway. My current idea imports the map
headers from the old format, then saves them back again with the new

And, this system is going to pretty much break backwards compatibility
for the end user anyhow.

** The solution **

My idea, then, is that we change everything and ignore backwards
compatibility. During the release candidate stage, we can make it
known that backwards compatibility was destroyed, and we can make a
public pool of older maps that volunteers can remake in the new

Remaking maps is time consuming, and I doubt if many, if any, will get
done. New maps can be made based on the originals, but that won't
happen much either. We will just have to make a new collection of

Worth it though? Yes! Allot of the code could use restructuring. The
save format may seem small, but its a big, big hurdle in reorganizing
code. The map headers are only a start.

Why though? Well I have been paying attention and it seems people (one
person) is crying out for a bug-fix release. The breaking of backwards
compatibility is nesseccarry step to put Glob2 on a solid foundation.
If things can be changed, they can be reorganized and documented. Bug
fixes will become much, much easier.

The new format will also be made to be flexible. As I described in the
wiki, a clear seperation of data will prevent the need to do this

** The Plan **

Its obvious that the CVS is going to go through a stage where its
barely usable. One won't be able to just download it and go, as the
format will have been changed. There is no garuntee the map you made
to test last week will work this week.

The format will eventually (may only be a week or two, or could be as
much as a month or two) stabilize and the use of the filesave
versioning may come back into play and the backwards compatibility
cycle started once again.

** The Summarry **
We do need to place ourselves on solid footing if we want these bugs
to go away. And from what I'm judging, there really isn't away to do
this without completely breaking backwards compatibility.

Really. I'm not lieing. Bradley Arsenault.

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