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Re: Tremolo positioning

From: Joshua Parmenter
Subject: Re: Tremolo positioning
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2006 15:41:37 -0800

Ignoring modern style sheets means not being able to type-set for those companies. Which also means using Finale or Sibelius.

Or, perhaps this can be configurable. Maybe a stylesheet could be loaded?

And I apologize for not introducing myself and my situation. I was directed here from a MANTIS thread with Denemo. Basically, I'm a composer that does quite a bit of open-source development (mostly with SuperCollider). I've been using Finale forever, and am tired of paying for upgrade after upgrade. Also, since I have acquired some coding skills, and have just finished graduate school, I am looking for:

a) an alternative
b) a project I can expand personally to meet my needs (in my own copy... if need be)
c) possibly a project that wants so assistance with development.

I spent a good 5 years learning how to make Finale do what I wanted. I'm ready to invest time like that again if that kind of assistance is wanted. So, that's where I am coming from. Most of my notational needs are with extended 20th century technique... something no typesetting program does well... the ability for lilipond to use TeX obviously opens up many possibilities... I find this exciting.

Look forward to learning the program, and, if it is wanted, possibly helping with development.



On Mar 28, 2006, at 3:31 PM, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

Joshua Parmenter wrote:
I'll do this tonight (when I'm home with my scanner).
Looking over some older scores, I definitely see examples like the one sent earlier... but over 10 years of typesetting, most current style sheets (if memory serves me correctly) specify slanted tremolos. I'll actually see if I can dig up the Durand style sheet (the one I've seen most recently) and see if ti specifies.

I would be most interested in a xerox/scan of this document.

Schirmer's style guide shows slanted tremolo beams on horizontal beams, but I admit that it looks rather disconcerting. Let's do what the classics do, and ignore modern style sheets.


Han-Wen Nienhuys - address@hidden -

LilyPond Software Design
 -- Code for Music Notation

Joshua Parmenter
Post-Doctoral Research Associate - Center for Digital Arts and Experimental Media
Raitt Hall - University of Washington
Seattle, Washington 98195

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