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Re: [Monotone-devel] Building monotone with Debian (Sarge)

From: graydon hoare
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] Building monotone with Debian (Sarge)
Date: 12 Nov 2003 09:54:36 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2

Kevin Smith <address@hidden> writes:

> I tried to build. First, I apt-get'd the packages mentioned on the
> monotone home page. Is that list also in the source tree somewhere?

as build-depends inside the debian control files, and mentionned
indirectly in the brief phrase in README. if you'd like to add a
description of your build experience to README or INSTALL, I'd happily
add that.

> Web search...Hmmm.  There's Tromey's name again :-) I'm using
> automake 1.4-p6.

yeah, the README mentions it needs automake 1.7. I thought the line
AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(1.7.1) in would require it properly, but
it appears I need to also extend



AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS=subdir-objects 1.7.1

in I've made that change in my working copy, so future
versions should be slightly more informative about automake version
incompatibility when they fail, not so cryptic.

> Success. Well, at least autoreconf completed. Now what should I do?
> I don't see any instructions. make does nothing. Ah, now we go to
> the normal ./configure step.

yeah, I guess I assumed -- rather than documented -- a general ability
to cajole autotools into working. perhaps I've just grown too much
scar tissue about them.

> Ok, that worked. Let's try make...well, among other output, I see:
> WARNING: `makeinfo' is missing on your system.

makeinfo is only needed for building the docs, don't worry about that.

> We have some compile warnings about unused variables and statements
> with no effect. Presumably those can be cleaned up at some point. I'll
> just cross my fingers and ignore all the warnings.

yeah, those are in dependant libraries I've imported (sqlite,
crypto++, lua). I keep my own stuff warning-free, but I think perhas
those other authors do not. I don't know what exactly to do about
that; we could make a raft of local modifications, make modifications
and feed them back upstream, or just leave things as-is (they seem to
mostly work).

> SUCCESS! We have a build. It runs! The whole process was actually less
> painful than I had feared. Now I can start hacking :-)

congratulations. thank the autotools people for their sweat.


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