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Re: [Monotone-devel] merging interface

From: Richard Levitte - VMS Whacker
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] merging interface
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2004 15:51:43 +0100 (CET)

In message <address@hidden> on Wed, 17 Nov 2004 13:34:23 +0000, Bruce Stephens 
<address@hidden> said:

monotone> Really what I'd like is to be left with a working tree with
monotone> the conflicting files indicated in some way: then I can deal
monotone> with them in an order that makes sense to me, and I can
monotone> perform whatever sanity checks on the merged tree that make
monotone> sense.  Then I can make sure that my merge cert actually
monotone> means something about the revision.

Basically, you're asking for a method that's very close to CVS', doing
the merge in your work directory, let you do the work of fixing the
differences, and finish it off with a commit.  The trouble I see is
that monotone will probably have no chance to see the difference
between a merging commit and a normal commit, and you will find
yourself without a merge cert.  Do you have any ideas how to solve

monotone> Can I do that in some way now?

Very manually, by fetching each head separately, doing a merge using
your favorite tool, do a commit with the result and add the
corresponding certs manually.  I've got a propagate script that goes
around the problem that came up with rename certs, which you could use
as a basis if you want.


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Richard Levitte                         address@hidden

"When I became a man I put away childish things, including
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